So now there are 2 of us in front of the pyramid. This is the step pyramid at Sakkara. This morning we joined a lovely English couple on a 3 + hr ride that began in the desert and then wandered through villages and farms. There were camels, some of which resembled peacocks as they carried huge, dragging loads of palm branches...very prehistoric looking. Then there were donkeys by the dozen, a smattering of cows and lots of gamoosas...that's a water buffalo. The local children would run out shouting "allo! allo!" and we would respond with either our own hello or, more often "Salaam Alakem." The village woman would laugh and tease their children by telling them they were going to sell them to us. Frankly, if they HAD been serious...we weren't buying!
At the end of the ride we passed, and then invited back to the farm with his wares, Abu Patata..."the father of potatos..." a vendor selling wonderful roasted sweet potatoes from his donkey cart with and oil barrel oven and a smokestack that would have made a Mississippi river boat proud. Lunch was an extravagant spread of the local Egyptian cooking of which we have rapidly become serious fans. Pictures to post in the next installment.
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